About the ALAA
The Australian Literary Agents’ Association (ALAA) was formed in 2003 in order to provide a public presence and a point of contact for Australian literary agencies and their staff.
We currently have 17 members who, through adhering to our Code of Practice, are committed to providing the best and fairest representation for Australian authors.
Submitting to an Agent
See our general guidelines to submitting your work to an agent.
Contacting an Agent
Find helpful advice on how to research and reach out to an agent.
Contract Advice
Find general policies on seeking contract advice from literary agents.
Code of Practice
Read the full Code of Practice for members of the ALAA.
Contacting us
The ALAA is not able to answer questions relating to manuscript submissions or individual agents, nor are we able to pass on enquiries to agents.
If, however, you wish to contact us regarding this website or the information on it, please send us an email using the button below.